Webinar Registration Instructions

At Frankensolar, we use Webex to conduct educational and training webinars for our customers and partners. Our webinars cover a wide range of topics, from industry trends and best practices to new product releases. Please follow these instructions to ensure you are registered and can attend.


1. If you are accessing the webinar via email, click the “register now” button.
Otherwise, simply click on the webinar image you would like to register for.
2. Hit the “Register” button and begin filling out the required information
3. Hit Register.
4. Navigate to your email and click on the Webinar Invite.
5. Click the “Accept” Green Check mark to ensure the webinar is added to your calendar. Now you are all registered.


On the day of your registered webinar, you should get a notification 10-15 minutes before the start of the webinar in your emails. Follow these instructions on the day of your registered webinar to ensure you are able to attend.

1. Navigate to your email calender and double-click on the date of the webinar.
2. Double-Click the Invite located in your calendar to open it up.
3. Hit the Join Meeting button and you are all set. Enjoy the webinar.

For any Inquires or Questions regarding the webinar, please email marketing@frankensolar.ca